About this book

Written by CodingWithJamal.

What You Will Learn

In this series, you will:

  • Gain a solid understanding of fundamental data structures and algorithms.
  • Learn how to analyze and evaluate the efficiency of algorithms using Big O Notation.
  • See practical implementations of these concepts in Rust, a modern systems programming language.


  • Basic knowledge of computer science
  • Willingness to learn
  • Following me on X (Twitter)

Why Data Structures and Algorithms?

Data structures and algorithms form the backbone of computer science. They are essential for:

  • Efficient problem-solving.
  • Writing optimized code.
  • Preparing for technical interviews and competitive programming.

Why Rust?

Rust is a modern systems programming language and its strong type system makes it ideal for learning data structures and algorithms.

Course Outline

Here is a brief overview of what we will cover in this series:

  1. Getting Started with Rust: Setting up your environment and writing basic programs.
  2. Understanding Big O Notation: Learning about time complexity and analyzing algorithms.
  3. Arrays and Vectors: Working with these basic data structures.
  4. Linked Lists: Exploring singly and doubly linked lists.
  5. Stacks and Queues: Understanding these fundamental structures.
  6. Hash Maps and Hash Sets: Diving into hashing and its applications.
  7. Binary Trees: Learning about tree structures and their properties.
  8. Heaps and Priority Queues: Working with heaps and priority queues.
  9. Graphs and Graph Algorithms: Exploring graph structures and basic algorithms.
  10. Sorting Algorithms: Understanding and implementing common sorting techniques.
  11. Searching Algorithms: Exploring linear and binary search methods.
  12. Dynamic Programming: Learning about memoization and tabulation.
  13. Recursion and Backtracking: Understanding these powerful techniques.
  14. Recommended Projects: Future your learning journey.

Getting Ready

Before we dive into the technical content, make sure you have the following:

  • A computer with an internet connection.
  • Basic knowledge of programming (experience with any language is a plus).
  • The willingness to learn and experiment.

Stay tuned for the next lesson, where we will set up our Rust environment and write our first Rust program. This journey will be challenging but rewarding, and by the end of this series, you will have a deep understanding of data structures and algorithms and how to implement them in Rust.

Thank you for joining me, and I look forward to embarking on this learning journey with you!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance. Happy learning!

Getting Started


Lets walk through how to setup the Rust development environment and write our first Rust program.

Installing Rust

To start coding in Rust, you need to install the Rust programming language and its associated tools.

Step 1: Install Rust

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Run the following command to install Rust using rustup, the Rust toolchain installer:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 2: Configure Your Environment

After installing Rust, you need to configure your development environment.

  1. Add the Rust bin directory to your system's PATH:

    source $HOME/.cargo/env
  2. Verify the installation by checking the Rust version:

    rustc --version

Writing Your First Rust Program

Now that we have Rust installed, let's write our first Rust program.

Step 1: Create a New Project

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Create a new Rust project using cargo, Rust's package manager and build system:

    cargo new hello_rust
  3. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd hello_rust

Step 2: Write the Code

  1. Open the main.rs file located in the src directory with your preferred code editor.
  2. Replace the content with the following code:
fn main() {
   println!("Hello, Rust!");

Step 3: Run the Program

  1. Compile and run your Rust program using cargo:

    cargo run
  2. You should see the following output:

    Hello, Rust!

Basic Syntax and Features of Rust

Let's briefly go over some basic syntax and features of Rust.


Rust variables are immutable by default. Use let to declare variables.

fn main() {
let x = 5;

println!("The value of x is: {}", x);

To make a variable mutable, use mut.

fn main() {
let mut y = 5;

y = 6;

println!("The value of y is: {}", y);


Functions are declared using the fn keyword.

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, Rust!");

fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

Control Flow

Rust supports typical control flow constructs such as if, else, and loop.

fn main() {
let number = 6;

if number % 2 == 0 {
    println!("The number is even.");
} else {
    println!("The number is odd.");

let mut counter = 0;
let result = loop {
    counter += 1;
    if counter == 10 {
        break counter * 2;
println!("The result is: {}", result);


Rust supports single-line and multi-line comments.

fn main() {
// This is a single-line comment

/* This is a
multi-line comment

Data Types

Rust supports several data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, booleans, strings, arrays, and tuples.

fn main() {
// i32 is an integer type
let x: i32 = 5;

// &str is a string slice
let a: &str = "Hello, Rust!";

// [i32; 3] is an array of 3 integers
let b: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];

// (i32, &str) is a tuple of an integer and a string
let c: (i32, &str) = (1, "hello");

// bool is a boolean type
let d: bool = true;


Rust supports generic programming with generics. Generics are used to write reusable code with different types.

fn main() {
fn add<T: std::ops::Add<Output = T>>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
    a + b

let result = add(1, 2);
println!("Result: {:?}", result);

let result = add(1.3, 2.3);
println!("Result: {:?}", result);

This code will work with any type that implements the std::ops::Add trait. For example, i32 and f32 can both be passed as arguments to the add function and their sum will be returned.


In this episode, we've set up the Rust development environment, explored some basic syntax and features of Rust, and wrote our first Rust program. In the next episode, we will dive into understanding Big O Notation and analyzing time complexity.

Thank you for joining me in this journey to learn Rust and computer science concepts. Stay tuned for the next episode!

Big O Notation


In this lesson, we'll explore Big O Notation, a key tool for analyzing algorithm efficiency. Understanding Big O helps us identify performance bottlenecks and choose the right algorithm for specific contexts.

What is Big O Notation?

Big O Notation is a mathematical way to describe an algorithm's time and space complexity, giving us a high-level view of how its performance scales with input size.

Key Points

  • Time Complexity: How the runtime changes with input size.
  • Space Complexity: How memory usage changes with input size.
  • Asymptotic Analysis: Behavior of an algorithm as input size approaches infinity.

Common Big O Notations

Let's look at some common Big O Notations and what they mean in terms of algorithm efficiency.

O(1) - Constant Time

An algorithm with O(1) complexity runs in constant time, regardless of the input size.

Think of Constant Time like looking up a specific page in a phone book by going straight to that page. It doesn't matter how thick the phone book is; finding the page takes the same amount of time because you go directly to it without needing to check the other pages.

Imagine looking up a specific page in a phone book by going directly to it—no matter how thick the book is, it takes the same time because you skip straight to the page.

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

    let first = get_first_element(&numbers);

    println!("The first element is: {}", first);

fn get_first_element(vec: &Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
    vec[0] // Accessing the first element is a constant-time operation

The main function creates a vector numbers and calls get_first_element to retrieve the first element. The time to get the first element is constant, no matter how many elements are in the vector.

The get_first_element function accesses the first element directly, which is a constant-time operation since it directly accesses the memory location.

O(n) - Linear Time

An algorithm with O(n) complexity runs in linear time, meaning the runtime grows linearly with the input size.

Linear Time means the runtime increases proportionally with the input size. If the input size doubles, the time taken roughly doubles.

Imagine searching for a book in a single line of books—you have to check each one. The time to find your book increases directly with the number of books.

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
    let target = 30;

    let found = find_element(&numbers, target);

    println!("Element found: {}", found);

fn find_element(vec: &Vec<i32>, target: i32) -> bool {
    for &item in vec.iter() {
        if item == target {
            return true; // Found the target
    false // Target not found

The main function creates a vector numbers and calls find_element to check if a number is present. The time taken depends on the number of elements in the vector.

The find_element function iterates through each element to find the target. The time increases linearly with the vector's size.

O(n^2) - Quadratic Time

An algorithm with O(n^2) complexity runs in quadratic time, meaning the runtime grows quadratically with the input size.

Quadratic Time means that if the input size doubles, the runtime will roughly quadruple. This occurs because the algorithm involves nested loops, each iterating over the input size.

Imagine comparing each pair of students in a class to find those with the same birthday. If there are n students, you would need to perform n * (n - 1) / 2 comparisons (approximately n^2 comparisons) to check every pair. As the number of students increases, the number of comparisons grows significantly.

fn main() {
    let mut numbers = vec![64, 25, 12, 22, 11];

    bubble_sort(&mut numbers);

    println!("Sorted array: {:?}", numbers);

fn bubble_sort(arr: &mut Vec<i32>) {
    let n = arr.len();
    for i in 0..n {
        for j in 0..n - 1 - i {
            if arr[j] > arr[j + 1] {
                arr.swap(j, j + 1);

The main function creates a vector numbers and sorts it using the bubble_sort function. The sorting operation has a time complexity of O(n^2).

The bubble_sort function takes a mutable reference to a vector arr and sorts it using the bubble sort algorithm. The time complexity is quadratic because the outer loop iterates over each element, while the inner loop compares and swaps adjacent elements, resulting in roughly n * (n - 1) / 2 comparisons and swaps.

O(log n) - Logarithmic Time

An algorithm with O(log n) complexity runs in logarithmic time, meaning the runtime grows logarithmically with the input size. This is common in algorithms that divide the problem in half with each step, such as binary search.

Logarithmic Time means that as the input size doubles, the runtime increases by a constant amount rather than doubling. This is because the algorithm significantly reduces the problem size with each step.

Imagine you're searching for a name in a phone book organized alphabetically. If you start in the middle and determine whether the name you're looking for is before or after that point, you effectively cut the search space in half with each step, making the search much faster than checking each name one by one.

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
    let target = 30;

    match binary_search(&numbers, target) {
        Some(index) => println!("Element found at index: {}", index),
        None => println!("Element not found"),

fn binary_search(arr: &Vec<i32>, target: i32) -> Option<usize> {
    let mut left = 0;
    let mut right = arr.len() as isize - 1;

    while left <= right {
        let mid = (left + right) / 2;
        let mid_value = arr[mid as usize];

        if mid_value == target {
            return Some(mid as usize);
        } else if mid_value < target {
            left = mid + 1;
        } else {
            right = mid - 1;

    None // Target not found

The main function creates a sorted vector numbers and uses binary_search to find the target. The search operation has a time complexity of O(log n).

The binary_search function performs a binary search on a sorted vector arr to find the target value. The time complexity is logarithmic because the search space is halved with each step. It starts with the entire array (from left to right). In each iteration, it calculates the midpoint and compares the target with the midpoint value. If the target is less than the midpoint, the search continues in the left half; if it's greater, the search continues in the right half.

O(n log n) - Linearithmic Time

An algorithm with O(n log n) complexity runs in linearithmic time, which is typical of efficient sorting algorithms like Merge Sort and Quick Sort.

Linearithmic Time means that the algorithm's runtime increases faster than Linear Time but slower than Quadratic Time. It grows proportionally to the size of the input multiplied by the logarithm of the size of the input.

Imagine you have a large stack of unsorted papers that you want to sort. You divide the stack into smaller stacks, sort each smaller stack individually, and then combine them back together in order. The process of dividing, sorting, and merging each stack grows in a way that reflects Linearithmic Time complexity.

fn main() {
    let mut numbers = vec![38, 27, 43, 3, 9, 82, 10];

    merge_sort(&mut numbers);
    println!("Sorted array: {:?}", numbers);

fn merge_sort(arr: &mut Vec<i32>) {
    let len = arr.len();
    if len <= 1 {

    let mid = len / 2;
    let mut left = arr[..mid].to_vec();
    let mut right = arr[mid..].to_vec();

    merge_sort(&mut left);
    merge_sort(&mut right);

    merge(arr, &left, &right);

fn merge(arr: &mut Vec<i32>, left: &Vec<i32>, right: &Vec<i32>) {
    let mut left_idx = 0;
    let mut right_idx = 0;
    let mut arr_idx = 0;

    while left_idx < left.len() && right_idx < right.len() {
        if left[left_idx] <= right[right_idx] {
            arr[arr_idx] = left[left_idx];
            left_idx += 1;
        } else {
            arr[arr_idx] = right[right_idx];
            right_idx += 1;
        arr_idx += 1;

    while left_idx < left.len() {
        arr[arr_idx] = left[left_idx];
        left_idx += 1;
        arr_idx += 1;

    while right_idx < right.len() {
        arr[arr_idx] = right[right_idx];
        right_idx += 1;
        arr_idx += 1;

In the main function: We create a vector numbers and sort it using merge_sort. The sorting operation's time complexity is O(n log n).

Function merge_sort: This function performs the Merge Sort algorithm. It recursively divides the vector into two halves until each half is trivially sorted (i.e., has one or zero elements). It then merges the sorted halves using the merge function. The time complexity of the merge_sort function is O(n log n).

Function merge: This function merges two sorted arrays left and right into a single sorted array arr. The time complexity of the merge function is O(n).

Why is Big O Notation Important?

Understanding Big O Notation helps you:

  • Evaluate and compare the efficiency of different algorithms.
  • Identify performance bottlenecks in your code.
  • Make informed decisions about which algorithm to use based on the context and constraints.


In this lesson, we've introduced Big O Notation and discussed its importance in analyzing algorithm efficiency. We also covered some common Big O Notations with Rust code examples. In the next lesson, we will dive into arrays and vectors, exploring their properties and usage in Rust.

Thank you for joining me on this journey to learn Rust and computer science concepts. Stay tuned for the next lesson!

Arrays and Vectors


In this lesson, we'll explore arrays and vectors, their properties and usage in Rust.

Key Points

  • Arrays: A collection of elements of the same type.
  • Vectors: A resizable array that stores elements of the same type.


An array is a data structure that stores elements of the same type in contiguous memory locations.

fn main() {
let arr: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

println!("Array: {:?}", arr);

Accessing Elements of an Array

fn main() {
let arr: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let first = arr[0];
let last = arr[arr.len() - 1];

println!("First element: {}", first);
println!("Last element: {}", last);

Iterating Over an Array

fn main() {
let arr: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

for i in arr.iter() {
    println!("{}", i);

Common Operations on Arrays

fn main() {
let arr: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let slice = &arr[1..4];

println!("Slice: {:?}", slice);

let reversed = arr.iter().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>();

println!("Reversed: {:?}", reversed);

let mut doubled = arr.iter().map(|x| x * 2).collect::<Vec<_>>();

println!("Doubled: {:?}", doubled);
  • Slicing: Get a pointer to a range of elements in an array.
  • Reverse: Reverse the order of elements in an array.
  • Doubled: Double each element in an array. The map method applies a function to each element in an array and returns a new array with the results. The collect method collects the results into a vector.


A vector is a resizable array that stores elements of the same type.

fn main() {
let mut vec: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

println!("Vector: {:?}", vec);

Adding and Removing Elements from a Vector

fn main() {
let mut vec: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];


println!("Added: {:?}", vec);


println!("Removed: {:?}", vec);
  • Push: Add an element to the end of a vector.
  • Pop: Remove the last element from a vector.

Many other the operations on vectors are similar to those on arrays. See the Rust documentation for more information.

When do we use Arrays vs. Vectors?

  • Arrays are ideal when you know the number of elements at compile time and this number won’t change. For example, storing the days of the week or a fixed set of configuration values. Arrays are allocated on the stack, which is generally faster than heap allocation (used by vectors). The memory footprint is predictable and efficient, as no dynamic resizing is required. An example would be storing a list of months in a year. These values never change.

  • Vectors are better suited for scenarios where the size of the data can change at runtime. If you need to add, remove, or modify the number of elements dynamically, vectors are the go-to choice. Vectors are heap-allocated and can grow or shrink in size as needed. They offer more flexibility compared to arrays and are essential when working with collections where the size is not known upfront. An example would be storing a list of users in a chat application. These values can change at runtime.

Why Arrays and Vectors are important?

Foundational Data Structures

Arrays and vectors are some of the most fundamental data structures in computer science. They provide a way to store and manage collections of data, which is essential in virtually all programs. More complex data structures like matrices, heaps, and even databases often rely on arrays or vectors as their underlying storage mechanism.

Memory Management and Performance

Both arrays and vectors allow for constant-time (O(1)) access to elements via indexing. This makes them highly efficient for tasks where you need to frequently access or modify individual elements.


Arrays and vectors are indispensable in computer science due to their efficiency, simplicity, and versatility. Arrays offer speed and predictability for fixed-size data, while vectors provide the flexibility needed to handle dynamic data sets. Mastery of these structures lays the groundwork for understanding more complex data structures and algorithms, making them a key part of any programmer's toolkit.

Linked Lists


In this lesson, we'll explore linked lists, their properties and usage in Rust.

Key Points

  • Linked lists: A linear data structure where each element (node) points to the next node in the sequence, forming a chain-like structure.
  • Singly linked lists: A linked list where each element (node) points to the next node in the sequence.
  • Doubly linked lists: A linked list where each element (node) points to the next and previous nodes in the sequence.

What is a linked list?

A linked list is a linear data structure where each element (node) points to the next node in the sequence, forming a chain-like structure.

Singly Linked Lists

struct Node {
    value: i32,
    next: Option<Box<Node>>,  // Box allows Node to be recursively defined

impl Node {
    fn print_list(&self) {
        let mut current = Some(self);
        while let Some(node) = current {
            print!("{} ", node.value);
            current = node.next.as_deref();  // Move to the next node

    fn append(&mut self, value: i32) {
        let mut current = self;
        while let Some(ref mut next) = current.next {
            current = next;
        current.next = Some(Box::new(Node {  // Allocate new node on the heap
            next: None,

fn main() {
    let mut node = Node {
        value: 1,
        next: Some(Box::new(Node {
            value: 2,
            next: Some(Box::new(Node {
                value: 3,
                next: None,

    println!("Original list:");


    println!("List after appending 4:");

What is Box?

In Rust, Box is a smart pointer that provides ownership of a heap-allocated value. It’s used when you need to store data on the heap rather than the stack. Here’s why Box is often used in linked lists:

  • Rust’s stack has a limited size and is meant for storing data that has a known, fixed size at compile time. Linked lists, however, can grow in size dynamically, making it impractical to allocate them entirely on the stack. Box allows you to allocate data on the heap, which is much more suitable for dynamically-sized data structures like linked lists.

  • Linked lists are recursive data structures. Each node contains a reference (or Box) to another node. Without heap allocation, Rust wouldn’t be able to handle the indefinite size of these recursive types because they could lead to an infinitely recursive type definition.

    Box breaks this recursion by providing a way to allocate the nodes on the heap, where each Box<Node> holds a reference to another Node.

  • Box provides ownership of the data, ensuring that the memory is automatically cleaned up when the Box is dropped. This helps manage the memory for dynamically sized data structures without manual memory management.

Doubly Linked Lists

Each node contains a value and references to both the next and previous nodes. Similar to singly linked lists but with an additional reference for bidirectional traversal.

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

// Define the Node struct
struct Node<T> {
    value: T,
    next: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
    prev: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,

// Define the LinkedList struct
struct LinkedList<T> {
    head: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
    tail: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,

impl<T> LinkedList<T>
    T: std::fmt::Debug,
    fn new() -> Self {
        LinkedList {
            head: None,
            tail: None,

    fn append(&mut self, value: T) {
        let new_node = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node {
            next: None,
            prev: self.tail.clone(),

        match self.tail.take() {
            Some(tail) => {
                tail.borrow_mut().next = Some(new_node.clone());
            None => {
                self.head = Some(new_node.clone());

        self.tail = Some(new_node);

    fn prepend(&mut self, value: T) {
        let new_node = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node {
            next: self.head.clone(),
            prev: None,

        match self.head.take() {
            Some(head) => {
                head.borrow_mut().prev = Some(new_node.clone());
            None => {
                self.tail = Some(new_node.clone());

        self.head = Some(new_node);

    fn print(&self) {
        let mut current = self.head.clone();
        while let Some(node) = current {
            print!("{:?} ", node.borrow().value);
            current = node.borrow().next.clone();

fn main() {
    let mut list = LinkedList::new();

    list.print(); // Output: 0 1 2 3

Explaining the code

  • Rc (Reference Counted) is a smart pointer that enables multiple ownership of the same data. It keeps track of the number of references to the data it points to. When the reference count drops to zero, the data is automatically de-allocated. Rc is used to allow multiple nodes to be shared between different parts of the list. This enables the nodes to be owned by more than one part of the list without copying the data.

  • RefCell (Reference Cell) provides interior mutability, allowing you to borrow data mutably even if the RefCell itself is immutably borrowed. It enforces borrowing rules at runtime instead of compile-time. RefCell is used to allow mutable access to the node's fields (next and prev) even though the Rc smart pointer provides shared ownership. This enables you to update the node's pointers while keeping the node shared.

  • append and prepend functions are used to add and remove nodes from the list. append adds a new node to the end of the list, while prepend adds a new node to the beginning of the list.

Why are Linked Lists important?

Linked lists are a fundamental data structure in computer science and are used in various scenarios. They are useful for maintaining a list of items that need to be accessed in a particular order. They can be used to implement various data structures, such as queues, stacks, and trees. They allow efficient insertions and deletions without needing to resize or reallocate memory like arrays do.

Inserting or deleting an element in a linked list is generally O(1) if you have a reference to the node, whereas in arrays, it can be O(n) due to shifting elements.

Linked lists encourage algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills by requiring you to manage pointers and ensure data consistency and their commonly featured om technical interview questions.


Understanding linked lists is crucial for a well-rounded knowledge of data structures. They offer unique advantages for dynamic memory management and efficient insertion and deletion, and they form the basis for more complex data structures. By mastering linked lists, you gain insights into memory management, performance trade-offs, and algorithmic design, all of which are essential skills in computer science and software development.

Stacks and Queues


In this lesson, we'll explore stacks and queues, their properties and usage in Rust.

Key Points

  • Stacks: A data structure that stores elements in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) order.
  • Queues: A data structure that stores elements in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) order.


A stack is a collection of elements that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. The last element added is the first one to be removed. This is the opposite of a queue, where the first element added is the first one to be removed.

struct Stack<T> {
    items: Vec<T>,

impl<T> Stack<T> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Stack { items: Vec::new() }

    fn push(&mut self, item: T) {

    fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {

    fn peek(&self) -> Option<&T> {

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

fn main() {
    let mut stack = Stack::new();

    println!("Stack: {:?}", stack);
    println!("Top item: {:?}", stack.peek());

    while let Some(item) = stack.pop() {
        println!("Popped: {}", item);

Code Explanation

  • push adds an element to the top of the stack.
  • pop removes the top element from the stack.
  • peek returns a reference to the top element of the stack.
  • is_empty returns true if the stack is empty, and false otherwise.


A queue is a collection of elements that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. The first element added is the first one to be removed. This is the opposite of a stack, where the last element added is the first one to be removed.

use std::collections::VecDeque;

struct Queue<T> {
    items: VecDeque<T>,

impl<T> Queue<T> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Queue {
            items: VecDeque::new(),

    fn enqueue(&mut self, item: T) {

    fn dequeue(&mut self) -> Option<T> {

    fn peek(&self) -> Option<&T> {

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

fn main() {
    let mut queue = Queue::new();

    println!("Queue: {:?}", queue);
    println!("Front item: {:?}", queue.peek());

    while let Some(item) = queue.dequeue() {
        println!("Dequeued: {}", item);

Code Explanation

  • enqueue adds an element to the end of the queue.
  • dequeue removes the first element and returns it.
  • peek returns the first element without removing it.
  • is_empty checks if the queue is empty.

Real World Examples


When you browse the web, your browser keeps track of the pages you've visited in a stack-like structure. This allows you to go back to the previous page by popping the most recent page off the stack.

How It Works:

  • Push: When you navigate to a new page, the URL is pushed onto the stack.
  • Pop: When you hit the "Back" button, the browser pops the most recent URL from the stack and navigates to it.
  • Peek: You can see the current URL on top of the stack without removing it.


A print spooler manages print jobs sent to a printer. It uses a queue to ensure that print jobs are processed in the order they are received.

How It Works:

  • Enqueue: When a new print job is submitted, it is added to the end of the queue.
  • Dequeue: The print spooler processes the print jobs from the front of the queue, printing them one by one.
  • Peek: You can check the next job to be printed without removing it from the queue.


Stacks and queues are essential for managing data in various applications. By implementing these structures in Rust, you can handle data efficiently and understand fundamental programming concepts better.

Hash Maps and Hash Sets


In this lesson, we'll explore hash maps and hash sets, their properties, and their usage in Rust.

Key Points

  • Hash Maps: A data structure that stores key-value pairs with efficient lookups, insertions, and deletions.
  • Hash Sets: A data structure that stores unique elements with efficient membership checking.

Hash Maps

A hash map is a collection of key-value pairs where each key is unique. It allows for efficient data retrieval based on keys.

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let mut map = HashMap::new();

    // Inserting key-value pairs
    map.insert("name", "Alice");
    map.insert("age", "30");
    map.insert("city", "New York");

    // Accessing values
    if let Some(name) = map.get("name") {
        println!("Name: {}", name);

    // Iterating over key-value pairs
    for (key, value) in &map {
        println!("{}: {}", key, value);

    // Removing a key-value pair

    // Checking if a key exists
    if map.contains_key("city") {
        println!("City key exists");

Code Explanation

  • insert adds a key-value pair to the map.
  • get retrieves a value associated with a key.
  • remove deletes a key-value pair from the map.
  • contains_key checks if a key exists in the map.

Hash Sets

A hash set is a collection of unique elements with no duplicates. It allows for efficient membership testing and insertion.

use std::collections::HashSet;

fn main() {
    let mut set = HashSet::new();

    // Inserting elements

    // Checking if an element exists
    if set.contains("banana") {
        println!("Banana is in the set");

    // Removing an element

    // Iterating over elements
    for item in &set {
        println!("{}", item);

Code Explanation

  • insert adds an element to the set.
  • contains checks if an element is in the set.
  • remove deletes an element from the set.

Real World Examples

Hash Maps

Hash maps are widely used in situations where you need to quickly look up values based on a unique key. For instance, in a contact management system, you can use a hash map to store and retrieve contact information using phone numbers as keys.

How It Works:

  • Insert: Add a contact with a unique phone number.
  • Get: Retrieve a contact's information using their phone number.
  • Remove: Delete a contact when it's no longer needed.

Hash Sets

Hash sets are useful for managing collections of unique items. For example, in a voting system, you can use a hash set to keep track of users who have already voted, ensuring that each user only votes once.

How It Works:

  • Insert: Add a user ID to the set when they vote.
  • Contains: Check if a user ID is already in the set to prevent duplicate votes.
  • Remove: If needed, remove a user ID from the set (e.g., if a vote is retracted).


Hash maps and hash sets are powerful data structures for efficient data management and retrieval. By implementing these structures in Rust, you can handle a wide range of applications and improve the performance of your programs.

Binary Trees


In this lesson, we'll explore binary trees, their properties, and their usage in Rust. Binary trees are a fundamental data structure used in various applications, from databases to AI algorithms.

Key Points

  • Binary Trees: A tree data structure where each node has at most two children, referred to as the left child and the right child.
  • Types of Binary Trees: Full, Complete, and Binary Search Trees (BSTs).

Binary Trees

A binary tree is a hierarchical structure where each node has at most two children. It starts with a root node and each node can have a left and/or right child.

Basic Binary Tree Node

Here’s a basic implementation of a binary tree node in Rust:

struct TreeNode<T> {
    value: T,
    left: Option<Box<TreeNode<T>>>,
    right: Option<Box<TreeNode<T>>>,

impl<T> TreeNode<T> {
    fn new(value: T) -> Self {
        TreeNode {
            left: None,
            right: None,

    fn insert_left(&mut self, value: T) {
        self.left = Some(Box::new(TreeNode::new(value)));

    fn insert_right(&mut self, value: T) {
        self.right = Some(Box::new(TreeNode::new(value)));

fn main() {
    let mut root = TreeNode::new(1);

    if let Some(left) = &root.left {
        println!("Left child: {:?}", left);
    if let Some(right) = &root.right {
        println!("Right child: {:?}", right);

Code Explanation

  • new: Creates a new node with a given value.
  • insert_left: Adds a left child to the current node.
  • insert_right: Adds a right child to the current node.

Binary Search Trees (BSTs)

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a binary tree where each node follows the property: all nodes in the left subtree are less than the node’s value, and all nodes in the right subtree are greater than the node’s value.

BST Implementation

Here’s how you can implement a basic BST in Rust:

struct BSTNode<T> {
    value: T,
    left: Option<Box<BSTNode<T>>>,
    right: Option<Box<BSTNode<T>>>,

impl<T: Ord> BSTNode<T> {
    fn new(value: T) -> Self {
        BSTNode {
            left: None,
            right: None,

    fn insert(&mut self, value: T) {
        if value < self.value {
            if let Some(left) = &mut self.left {
            } else {
                self.left = Some(Box::new(BSTNode::new(value)));
        } else {
            if let Some(right) = &mut self.right {
            } else {
                self.right = Some(Box::new(BSTNode::new(value)));

    fn search(&self, value: T) -> bool {
        if value == self.value {
        } else if value < self.value {
            self.left.as_ref().map_or(false, |node| node.search(value))
        } else {
            self.right.as_ref().map_or(false, |node| node.search(value))

fn main() {
    let mut bst = BSTNode::new(10);

    println!("BST Search 7: {}", bst.search(7));
    println!("BST Search 20: {}", bst.search(20));

Code Explanation

  • insert: Adds a value to the BST while maintaining the BST property.
  • search: Checks if a value exists in the BST.

Real World Examples

Binary Trees

Binary trees are used in various applications such as:

  • Expression Trees: Used in compilers to represent expressions.
  • Decision Trees: Used in machine learning for classification and regression tasks.
  • File Systems: Some file systems use binary trees to manage directories and files efficiently.

Binary Search Trees (BSTs)

BSTs are commonly used in scenarios where you need to maintain a dynamic dataset with efficient searching, inserting, and deleting operations. For example:

  • Database Indexes: Used to speed up data retrieval operations.
  • Autocomplete Systems: BSTs can be used to quickly find possible completions for a prefix in a search query.


Binary trees and binary search trees are powerful data structures that offer efficient data management and retrieval. By implementing these structures in Rust, you can handle a wide range of applications and improve your understanding of data structures.

Heaps and Priority Queues


In this lesson, we'll explore heaps and priority queues, their properties, and their usage in Rust. Heaps and priority queues are essential for managing and accessing data with priority.

Key Points

  • Heaps: A specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property, commonly used to implement priority queues.
  • Priority Queues: An abstract data type where each element has a priority, and elements are served based on their priority.


A heap is a complete binary tree that satisfies the heap property. There are two types of heaps:

  • Max-Heap: The value of each node is greater than or equal to the values of its children.
  • Min-Heap: The value of each node is less than or equal to the values of its children.

Max-Heap Implementation

Here’s a basic implementation of a max-heap in Rust using a vector:

struct MaxHeap<T> {
    heap: Vec<T>,

impl<T: Ord> MaxHeap<T> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        MaxHeap { heap: Vec::new() }

    fn insert(&mut self, value: T) {
        self.heapify_up(self.heap.len() - 1);

    fn extract_max(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        if self.heap.is_empty() {
            return None;
        let max = self.heap.swap_remove(0);

    fn heapify_up(&mut self, index: usize) {
        let mut child = index;
        while child > 0 {
            let parent = (child - 1) / 2;
            if self.heap[child] <= self.heap[parent] {
            self.heap.swap(child, parent);
            child = parent;

    fn heapify_down(&mut self, index: usize) {
        let mut parent = index;
        let len = self.heap.len();
        loop {
            let mut max = parent;
            let left = 2 * parent + 1;
            let right = 2 * parent + 2;

            if left < len && self.heap[left] > self.heap[max] {
                max = left;
            if right < len && self.heap[right] > self.heap[max] {
                max = right;
            if max == parent {
            self.heap.swap(parent, max);
            parent = max;

fn main() {
    let mut max_heap = MaxHeap::new();

    println!("Max Heap: {:?}", max_heap);

    while let Some(max) = max_heap.extract_max() {
        println!("Extracted Max: {}", max);

Code Explanation

  • insert: Adds a value to the heap and maintains the heap property.
  • extract_max: Removes and returns the maximum value from the heap.
  • heapify_up: Reorders the heap after insertion to maintain the heap property.
  • heapify_down: Reorders the heap after extraction to maintain the heap property.

Priority Queues

A priority queue is an abstract data type where each element has a priority. Elements are dequeued based on their priority rather than their order of insertion.

Priority Queue Implementation with Heap

Here's an implementation of a priority queue using a max-heap in Rust:

struct PriorityQueue<T> {
    heap: MaxHeap<T>,

impl<T: Ord> PriorityQueue<T> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        PriorityQueue {
            heap: MaxHeap::new(),

    fn enqueue(&mut self, value: T) {

    fn dequeue(&mut self) -> Option<T> {

    fn peek(&self) -> Option<&T> {

fn main() {
    let mut pq = PriorityQueue::new();

    println!("Priority Queue: {:?}", pq);

    while let Some(max) = pq.dequeue() {
        println!("Dequeued: {}", max);

Code Explanation

  • enqueue: Adds an element to the priority queue with the given priority.
  • dequeue: Removes and returns the element with the highest priority.
  • peek: Returns a reference to the element with the highest priority without removing it.

Real World Examples


Heaps are often used in:

  • Heap Sort: A sorting algorithm that uses a heap to sort elements efficiently.
  • Task Scheduling: In operating systems, heaps can manage tasks based on their priority.

Priority Queues

Priority queues are used in scenarios where tasks or elements need to be processed based on priority:

  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Used in shortest path algorithms where nodes are processed based on their distance.
  • Job Scheduling: In operating systems, priority queues manage processes or tasks based on their priority.


Heaps and priority queues are powerful data structures for managing and accessing data with priority. By implementing these structures in Rust, you can handle various applications more efficiently and understand key algorithms better.

Graphs and Graph Algorithms


In this lesson, we'll explore graphs and graph algorithms, their properties, and their usage in Rust. Graphs are fundamental data structures used in various applications such as social networks, routing algorithms, and more.

Key Points

  • Graphs: A collection of nodes (vertices) and edges connecting pairs of nodes.
  • Graph Algorithms: Techniques to traverse, search, and analyze graphs.


A graph is a data structure that consists of nodes (vertices) and edges connecting pairs of nodes. There are different types of graphs:

  • Undirected Graph: Edges have no direction; the connection between nodes is bidirectional.
  • Directed Graph (Digraph): Edges have a direction; the connection between nodes is unidirectional.
  • Weighted Graph: Edges have weights or costs associated with them.
  • Unweighted Graph: Edges do not have weights.

Basic Graph Implementation

Here’s a basic implementation of an undirected graph in Rust using adjacency lists:

use std::collections::HashMap;

struct Graph {
    adj_list: HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>,

impl Graph {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Graph {
            adj_list: HashMap::new(),

    fn add_edge(&mut self, u: u32, v: u32) {

    fn print(&self) {
        for (node, edges) in &self.adj_list {
            println!("Node {}: {:?}", node, edges);

fn main() {
    let mut graph = Graph::new();
    graph.add_edge(1, 2);
    graph.add_edge(2, 3);
    graph.add_edge(3, 4);


Code Explanation

  • add_edge: Adds an undirected edge between two nodes.
  • print: Displays the adjacency list of the graph.

Graph Algorithms

Depth-First Search (DFS)

Depth-First Search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching through a graph. It explores as far down a branch as possible before backtracking.

Here’s a DFS implementation in Rust:

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};

fn dfs(graph: &HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>, start: u32, visited: &mut HashSet<u32>) {
    if visited.contains(&start) {
    println!("Visited: {}", start);

    if let Some(neighbors) = graph.get(&start) {
        for &neighbor in neighbors {
            dfs(graph, neighbor, visited);

fn main() {
    let mut graph = HashMap::new();
    graph.insert(1, vec![2, 3]);
    graph.insert(2, vec![1, 4]);
    graph.insert(3, vec![1, 4]);
    graph.insert(4, vec![2, 3]);

    let mut visited = HashSet::new();
    dfs(&graph, 1, &mut visited);

Code Explanation

  • dfs: Recursively visits nodes, marking them as visited, and explores all neighbors.

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

Breadth-First Search (BFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching through a graph. It explores all nodes at the present depth level before moving on to nodes at the next depth level.

Here’s a BFS implementation in Rust:

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};

fn bfs(graph: &HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>, start: u32) {
    let mut visited = HashSet::new();
    let mut queue = VecDeque::new();


    while let Some(node) = queue.pop_front() {
        println!("Visited: {}", node);

        if let Some(neighbors) = graph.get(&node) {
            for &neighbor in neighbors {
                if !visited.contains(&neighbor) {

fn main() {
    let mut graph = HashMap::new();
    graph.insert(1, vec![2, 3]);
    graph.insert(2, vec![1, 4]);
    graph.insert(3, vec![1, 4]);
    graph.insert(4, vec![2, 3]);

    bfs(&graph, 1);

Code Explanation

  • bfs: Uses a queue to explore nodes level by level, marking nodes as visited.

Real World Examples


Graphs are used in various applications such as:

  • Social Networks: Representing connections between users.
  • Routing Algorithms: Finding the shortest path in network routing and GPS navigation.
  • Recommendation Systems: Based on user preferences and item relationships.

Depth-First Search (DFS)

DFS is used in:

  • Pathfinding Algorithms: For maze-solving or puzzle-solving.
  • Topological Sorting: In directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) for scheduling tasks.

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

BFS is used in:

  • Shortest Path Algorithms: For finding the shortest path in unweighted graphs.
  • Level Order Traversal: In trees and graphs, such as hierarchical data processing.


Graphs and their associated algorithms are crucial for solving complex problems in various domains. Understanding and implementing graph algorithms like DFS and BFS in Rust can help you tackle a wide range of real-world problems more effectively.

Sorting Algorithms


Sorting algorithms are fundamental in computer science for arranging data in a specific order. This lesson covers some of the most important sorting algorithms, including their properties, time complexities, and implementations in Rust.

Key Points

  • Sorting Algorithms: Techniques for ordering elements in a list or array.
  • Time Complexity: A measure of the amount of time an algorithm takes to complete based on the size of the input.

Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. This process is repeated until the list is sorted.

Bubble Sort Implementation

fn bubble_sort<T: Ord>(arr: &mut [T]) {
    let mut n = arr.len();
    let mut swapped = true;

    while swapped {
        swapped = false;
        for i in 1..n {
            if arr[i - 1] > arr[i] {
                arr.swap(i - 1, i);
                swapped = true;
        n -= 1;

fn main() {
    let mut array = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90];
    bubble_sort(&mut array);
    println!("Sorted array: {:?}", array);

Code Explanation

  • bubble_sort: Iterates through the array, swapping adjacent elements if they are out of order, until no more swaps are needed.
  • Time Complexity: O(n²) in the worst and average cases; O(n) in the best case (when the array is already sorted).

Selection Sort

Selection Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that divides the list into a sorted and unsorted region. It repeatedly selects the smallest (or largest) element from the unsorted region and moves it to the end of the sorted region.

Selection Sort Implementation

fn selection_sort<T: Ord>(arr: &mut [T]) {
    let len = arr.len();
    for i in 0..len {
        let mut min_index = i;
        for j in (i + 1)..len {
            if arr[j] < arr[min_index] {
                min_index = j;
        arr.swap(i, min_index);

fn main() {
    let mut array = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90];
    selection_sort(&mut array);
    println!("Sorted array: {:?}", array);

Code Explanation

  • selection_sort: Finds the minimum element from the unsorted part of the array and swaps it with the first unsorted element.
  • Time Complexity: O(n²) for all cases (worst, average, and best).

Insertion Sort

Insertion Sort builds the final sorted array one item at a time by repeatedly picking the next item and inserting it into its correct position in the already sorted part of the array.

Insertion Sort Implementation

fn insertion_sort<T: Ord>(arr: &mut [T]) {
    let len = arr.len();
    for i in 1..len {
        let mut j = i;
        while j > 0 && arr[j - 1] > arr[j] {
            arr.swap(j - 1, j);
            j -= 1;

fn main() {
    let mut array = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90];
    insertion_sort(&mut array);
    println!("Sorted array: {:?}", array);

Code Explanation

  • insertion_sort: Inserts each element into its correct position relative to the already sorted portion of the array.
  • Time Complexity: O(n²) in the worst case; O(n) in the best case (when the array is already sorted).

Merge Sort

Merge Sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that divides the array into halves, recursively sorts each half, and then merges the sorted halves.

Merge Sort Implementation

fn merge_sort<T: Ord + Clone>(arr: &mut [T]) {
    let len = arr.len();
    if len <= 1 {

    let mid = len / 2;
    let mut left = arr[0..mid].to_vec();
    let mut right = arr[mid..].to_vec();

    merge_sort(&mut left);
    merge_sort(&mut right);

    merge(arr, &left, &right);

fn merge<T: Ord + Clone>(arr: &mut [T], left: &[T], right: &[T]) {
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut j = 0;
    let mut k = 0;

    while i < left.len() && j < right.len() {
        if left[i] <= right[j] {
            arr[k] = left[i].clone();
            i += 1;
        } else {
            arr[k] = right[j].clone();
            j += 1;
        k += 1;

    while i < left.len() {
        arr[k] = left[i].clone();
        i += 1;
        k += 1;

    while j < right.len() {
        arr[k] = right[j].clone();
        j += 1;
        k += 1;

fn main() {
    let mut array = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90];
    merge_sort(&mut array);
    println!("Sorted array: {:?}", array);

Code Explanation

  • merge_sort: Recursively divides the array into halves, sorts each half, and then merges them.
  • merge: Merges two sorted arrays into a single sorted array.
  • Time Complexity: O(n log n) for all cases.

Quick Sort

Quick Sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that selects a pivot element, partitions the array into elements less than and greater than the pivot, and recursively sorts the partitions.

Quick Sort Implementation

fn quick_sort<T: Ord + Clone>(arr: &mut [T]) {
    if arr.len() <= 1 {
    let pivot_index = partition(arr);
    let (left, right) = arr.split_at_mut(pivot_index);
    quick_sort(&mut left[0..pivot_index]);
    quick_sort(&mut right[1..]);

fn partition<T: Ord + Clone>(arr: &mut [T]) -> usize {
    let pivot_index = arr.len() / 2;
    let pivot = arr[pivot_index].clone();
    arr.swap(pivot_index, arr.len() - 1);

    let mut i = 0;
    for j in 0..arr.len() - 1 {
        if arr[j] < pivot {
            arr.swap(i, j);
            i += 1;
    arr.swap(i, arr.len() - 1);

fn main() {
    let mut array = [64, 34, 25, 12, 22, 11, 90];
    quick_sort(&mut array);
    println!("Sorted array: {:?}", array);

Code Explanation

  • quick_sort: Selects a pivot, partitions the array, and recursively sorts the partitions.
  • partition: Rearranges elements around the pivot and returns the pivot index.
  • Time Complexity: O(n log n) on average; O(n²) in the worst case.

Real World Examples

Bubble Sort

  • Educational Purposes: Used for teaching basic sorting concepts due to its simplicity.

Selection Sort

  • Simple Use Cases: Useful when memory is limited, and simplicity is preferred over performance.

Insertion Sort

  • Small Arrays: Efficient for small or partially sorted arrays, like in certain hybrid sorting algorithms.

Merge Sort

  • Large Data Sets: Used in external sorting algorithms where data cannot fit into memory, like sorting large files.

Quick Sort

  • General Purpose: Efficient for most practical use cases due to its average-case performance, used in standard libraries and applications.


Sorting algorithms are essential tools in computer science, with each algorithm offering different trade-offs in terms of complexity and efficiency. Understanding and implementing these algorithms in Rust helps you solve various sorting problems and grasp fundamental computer science concepts.

Searching Algorithms


Searching algorithms are crucial for finding specific elements in a data structure efficiently. This lesson covers some important searching algorithms, including their properties, time complexities, and implementations in Rust.

Key Points

  • Searching Algorithms: Techniques for finding an element in a data structure.
  • Time Complexity: A measure of the amount of time an algorithm takes to find an element based on the size of the input.

Linear Search is a simple algorithm that checks each element in a list sequentially until the target element is found or the end of the list is reached.

Linear Search Implementation

fn linear_search<T: PartialEq>(arr: &[T], target: T) -> Option<usize> {
    for (index, item) in arr.iter().enumerate() {
        if *item == target {
            return Some(index);

fn main() {
    let array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
    let target = 30;
    match linear_search(&array, target) {
        Some(index) => println!("Found {} at index {}", target, index),
        None => println!("{} not found in the array", target),

Code Explanation

  • linear_search: Iterates through the array and returns the index of the target element if found; otherwise, returns None.
  • Time Complexity: O(n) for all cases.

Binary Search is an efficient algorithm for finding an element in a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half.

Binary Search Implementation

fn binary_search<T: Ord>(arr: &[T], target: T) -> Option<usize> {
    let mut low = 0;
    let mut high = arr.len() as isize - 1;

    while low <= high {
        let mid = (low + high) / 2;
        match arr[mid as usize].cmp(&target) {
            std::cmp::Ordering::Less => low = mid + 1,
            std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => high = mid - 1,
            std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => return Some(mid as usize),

fn main() {
    let array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
    let target = 30;
    match binary_search(&array, target) {
        Some(index) => println!("Found {} at index {}", target, index),
        None => println!("{} not found in the array", target),

Code Explanation

  • binary_search: Repeatedly divides the search interval in half to locate the target element.
  • Time Complexity: O(log n) for all cases.

Interpolation Search is an improved version of Binary Search for uniformly distributed data. It estimates the position of the target element based on its value.

Interpolation Search Implementation

fn interpolation_search<T: Ord>(arr: &[T], target: T) -> Option<usize> {
    let mut low = 0;
    let mut high = arr.len() as isize - 1;

    while low <= high && arr[low as usize] <= target && arr[high as usize] >= target {
        if low == high {
            return if arr[low as usize] == target {
                Some(low as usize)
            } else {

        let pos = low + (((target as usize - arr[low as usize] as usize) * (high - low)) / (arr[high as usize] as usize - arr[low as usize] as usize)) as isize;

        match arr[pos as usize].cmp(&target) {
            std::cmp::Ordering::Less => low = pos + 1,
            std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => high = pos - 1,
            std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => return Some(pos as usize),

fn main() {
    let array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
    let target = 30;
    match interpolation_search(&array, target) {
        Some(index) => println!("Found {} at index {}", target, index),
        None => println!("{} not found in the array", target),

Code Explanation

  • interpolation_search: Estimates the position of the target based on its value relative to the values at the boundaries.
  • Time Complexity: O(log log n) for uniformly distributed data; O(n) in the worst case.

Jump Search is an algorithm that works on sorted arrays by jumping ahead by a fixed number of elements and performing a linear search within the block where the target might be found.

Jump Search Implementation

fn jump_search<T: Ord>(arr: &[T], target: T) -> Option<usize> {
    let length = arr.len();
    let jump = (length as f64).sqrt() as usize;
    let mut prev = 0;
    let mut curr = 0;

    while curr < length && arr[curr] < target {
        prev = curr;
        curr = (curr + jump).min(length - 1);

    for i in prev..=curr {
        if arr[i] == target {
            return Some(i);

fn main() {
    let array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
    let target = 30;
    match jump_search(&array, target) {
        Some(index) => println!("Found {} at index {}", target, index),
        None => println!("{} not found in the array", target),

Code Explanation

  • jump_search: Jumps ahead by a fixed number of steps and performs a linear search within the current block.
  • Time Complexity: O(√n) for all cases.

Real World Examples

Linear Search

  • Small or Unsorted Data: Useful for simple cases where the data size is small or the data is not sorted.

Binary Search

  • Sorted Data: Efficient for searching in sorted datasets such as in a database index or when using sorted lists.

Interpolation Search

  • Uniformly Distributed Data: Useful for datasets where elements are uniformly distributed, such as numerical ranges.

Jump Search

  • Sorted Data with Large Gaps: Effective for large datasets where you want a balance between linear search and binary search.


Searching algorithms are essential for finding elements in various data structures efficiently. Understanding and implementing these algorithms in Rust helps you solve searching problems effectively and grasp fundamental computer science concepts.

Dynamic Programming


Dynamic Programming (DP) is a powerful technique for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblem's. It is particularly useful for optimization problems where overlapping subproblem's and optimal substructure are present. In this lesson, we will explore the concepts of Dynamic Programming, its key principles, and how to implement it in Rust.

Key Points

  • Dynamic Programming: A method for solving problems by breaking them into simpler overlapping subproblem's and storing their solutions.
  • Optimal Substructure: A property that an optimal solution to a problem contains optimal solutions to its subproblem's.
  • Overlapping Subproblem: When the same subproblem's are solved multiple times in the process of solving a larger problem.

Key Concepts


Memoization is a top-down approach where you solve the problem by recursion and store the results of subproblem's to avoid redundant calculations.


Tabulation is a bottom-up approach where you solve all possible subproblem's iteratively and store their results in a table, building up the solution to the problem step by step.

Example Problems

Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is a classic example to illustrate Dynamic Programming. Each number in the sequence is the sum of the two preceding ones. The problem can be solved using both memoization and tabulation.

Recursive Solution (Naive Approach)

fn fibonacci(n: u32) -> u32 {
    match n {
        0 => 0,
        1 => 1,
        _ => fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2),

fn main() {
    let n = 10;
    println!("Fibonacci of {} is {}", n, fibonacci(n));

Memoization Approach

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn fibonacci_memo(n: u32, memo: &mut HashMap<u32, u32>) -> u32 {
    if let Some(&result) = memo.get(&n) {
        return result;

    let result = match n {
        0 => 0,
        1 => 1,
        _ => fibonacci_memo(n - 1, memo) + fibonacci_memo(n - 2, memo),

    memo.insert(n, result);

fn main() {
    let n = 10;
    let mut memo = HashMap::new();
    println!("Fibonacci of {} is {}", n, fibonacci_memo(n, &mut memo));

Tabulation Approach

fn fibonacci_tab(n: u32) -> u32 {
    if n == 0 {
        return 0;
    } else if n == 1 {
        return 1;

    let mut table = vec![0; (n + 1) as usize];
    table[1] = 1;

    for i in 2..=n {
        table[i as usize] = table[(i - 1) as usize] + table[(i - 2) as usize];

    table[n as usize]

fn main() {
    let n = 10;
    println!("Fibonacci of {} is {}", n, fibonacci_tab(n));

Knapsack Problem

The Knapsack Problem is a classic optimization problem where you must determine the most valuable combination of items to include in a knapsack without exceeding its capacity.

Problem Definition

Given weights and values of items, and a knapsack capacity, find the maximum value that can be obtained by picking items to fit into the knapsack.

Tabulation Approach

fn knapsack(weights: &[usize], values: &[usize], capacity: usize) -> usize {
    let n = weights.len();
    let mut dp = vec![0; capacity + 1];

    for i in 0..n {
        for w in (weights[i]..=capacity).rev() {
            dp[w] = dp[w].max(dp[w - weights[i]] + values[i]);


fn main() {
    let weights = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let values = vec![10, 15, 40];
    let capacity = 6;
    println!("Maximum value in knapsack: {}", knapsack(&weights, &values, capacity));

Real World Examples

  • Fibonacci Sequence: Useful in problems requiring calculation of sequence values or optimization problems involving recursive calculations.
  • Knapsack Problem: Common in resource allocation problems, such as budgeting or inventory management.


Dynamic Programming is a versatile technique for solving optimization problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and storing their solutions. Understanding memoization and tabulation helps you tackle complex problems more efficiently and gain deeper insights into algorithmic problem-solving.

Recursion and Backtracking


Recursion and backtracking are fundamental techniques in computer science for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblem's. They are especially useful for problems involving combinatorial search, optimization, and constraint satisfaction. In this lesson, we'll explore these concepts, their principles, and how to implement them in Rust.

Key Points

  • Recursion: A technique where a function calls itself to solve smaller instances of the same problem.
  • Backtracking: A method for solving problems by trying out possible solutions and reverting to previous steps if a solution doesn't work out.



Recursion is a method of solving problems where the solution depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem. A recursive function is one that calls itself directly or indirectly.

Key Concepts

  1. Base Case: The condition under which the recursion stops. It's crucial for preventing infinite recursion.
  2. Recursive Case: The part of the function where it calls itself with modified arguments.

Example: Factorial

The factorial of a non-negative integer n is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. It can be defined recursively as:

  • factorial(n) = n * factorial(n - 1)
  • factorial(0) = 1 (base case)

Rust Implementation

fn factorial(n: u32) -> u32 {
    if n == 0 {
    } else {
        n * factorial(n - 1)

fn main() {
    let n = 5;
    println!("Factorial of {} is {}", n, factorial(n));


  • Base Case: If n is 0, return 1.
  • Recursive Case: For any other n, return n * factorial(n - 1).



Backtracking is an algorithmic technique for solving problems by exploring all potential solutions and discarding those that do not meet the constraints. It involves trying out possible solutions, and if a solution is not feasible, it reverts to a previous step and tries another path.

Key Concepts

  1. Solution Space: The set of all possible solutions.
  2. Feasible Solution: A solution that satisfies the problem constraints.
  3. Backtrack: When a solution path is found to be invalid, revert to a previous step and try a different path.

Example: N-Queens Problem

The N-Queens problem involves placing N queens on an N x N chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other. The challenge is to find all possible arrangements.

Rust Implementation

fn is_safe(board: &Vec<Vec<bool>>, row: usize, col: usize) -> bool {
    // Check this column on previous rows
    for i in 0..row {
        if board[i][col] {
            return false;

    // Check upper-left diagonal
    let mut i = row;
    let mut j = col;
    while i >= 0 && j >= 0 {
        if board[i][j] {
            return false;
        if i == 0 || j == 0 {
        i -= 1;
        j -= 1;

    // Check upper-right diagonal
    i = row;
    j = col;
    while i >= 0 && j < board.len() {
        if board[i][j] {
            return false;
        if i == 0 || j == board.len() - 1 {
        i -= 1;
        j += 1;


fn solve_n_queens(board: &mut Vec<Vec<bool>>, row: usize) -> bool {
    if row >= board.len() {
        return true;

    for col in 0..board.len() {
        if is_safe(board, row, col) {
            board[row][col] = true;
            if solve_n_queens(board, row + 1) {
                return true;
            board[row][col] = false;


fn main() {
    let n = 4;
    let mut board = vec![vec![false; n]; n];
    if solve_n_queens(&mut board, 0) {
        println!("Solution found:");
        for row in board {
            for cell in row {
                if cell {
                    print!("Q ");
                } else {
                    print!(". ");
    } else {
        println!("No solution found.");


  1. is_safe Function: Checks if it's safe to place a queen at a given position by verifying column and diagonal constraints.
  2. solve_n_queens Function: Tries placing queens in all columns of the current row and recurses to solve for the next row. If placing a queen leads to a solution, it returns true; otherwise, it backtracks by removing the queen and trying the next column.
  3. main Function: Initializes the board and starts the solving process.

Real World Examples


  • File System Traversal: Navigating directories and files using recursion.
  • Tree Traversal: Traversing nodes in a hierarchical tree structure.


  • Sudoku Solver: Finding a solution to Sudoku puzzles by trying possible values and backtracking if needed.
  • Path-finding Problems: Finding a path through a maze or grid by exploring possible paths and retracting when encountering obstacles.


Recursion and backtracking are essential techniques for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and exploring all possible solutions. Mastering these techniques can enhance your problem-solving skills and help you tackle a wide range of algorithmic challenges.

Enhancing Your Skills

To solidify your understanding of the concepts covered in this book, here are three recommended projects that will help you apply your knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and programming techniques in Rust. Each project offers practical experience with different aspects of computer science and software development.

1. Task Scheduler


Build a task scheduler application that allows users to schedule tasks with different priorities. The scheduler should handle task execution based on priority and provide a user interface to manage tasks.

Skills Used

  • Data Structures: Utilize priority queues (heaps) to manage tasks according to their priority.
  • Algorithms: Implement scheduling algorithms to determine the order of task execution.
  • Recursion and Backtracking: Apply these techniques for complex scheduling scenarios, such as conflict resolution or optimization.

Features to Implement

  • Add, remove, and modify tasks.
  • Set and update task priorities.
  • View tasks sorted by their scheduled execution order.

2. Graph-Based Navigation System


Create a navigation system that uses graph algorithms to find the shortest path between locations on a map. The map can be represented as a 2D grid or a more complex graph with weighted edges.

Skills Used

  • Graphs: Model the map as a graph with nodes and edges.
  • Algorithms: Implement algorithms such as Dijkstra’s or A* to find the shortest path.
  • Dynamic Programming: Use dynamic programming techniques to optimize path-finding or related calculations.

Features to Implement

  • Add locations and define routes between them.
  • Calculate and display the shortest path between two points.
  • Optionally, add route preferences (e.g., fastest, shortest, least traffic).

3. Sudoku Solver


Develop a Sudoku solver that uses backtracking to solve Sudoku puzzles. The solver should be capable of handling puzzles of varying difficulty levels and provide solutions or indicate if the puzzle is unsolvable.

Skills Used

  • Backtracking: Implement the backtracking algorithm to explore possible solutions and backtrack when needed.
  • Recursion: Use recursion to solve subproblem's as part of the backtracking approach.
  • Data Structures: Utilize arrays or matrices to represent and manipulate the Sudoku grid.

Features to Implement

  • Load and display Sudoku puzzles.
  • Solve the puzzle using backtracking and display the solution.
  • Optionally, add features for puzzle generation or solution validation.


These projects provide hands-on experience with the key concepts covered in this book. By working on them, you'll gain practical insights into how data structures and algorithms are used in real-world applications, helping you deepen your understanding and improve your programming skills.


Please contact me if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions. Im active on all social media below.