Enhancing Your Skills

To solidify your understanding of the concepts covered in this book, here are three recommended projects that will help you apply your knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and programming techniques in Rust. Each project offers practical experience with different aspects of computer science and software development.

1. Task Scheduler


Build a task scheduler application that allows users to schedule tasks with different priorities. The scheduler should handle task execution based on priority and provide a user interface to manage tasks.

Skills Used

  • Data Structures: Utilize priority queues (heaps) to manage tasks according to their priority.
  • Algorithms: Implement scheduling algorithms to determine the order of task execution.
  • Recursion and Backtracking: Apply these techniques for complex scheduling scenarios, such as conflict resolution or optimization.

Features to Implement

  • Add, remove, and modify tasks.
  • Set and update task priorities.
  • View tasks sorted by their scheduled execution order.

2. Graph-Based Navigation System


Create a navigation system that uses graph algorithms to find the shortest path between locations on a map. The map can be represented as a 2D grid or a more complex graph with weighted edges.

Skills Used

  • Graphs: Model the map as a graph with nodes and edges.
  • Algorithms: Implement algorithms such as Dijkstra’s or A* to find the shortest path.
  • Dynamic Programming: Use dynamic programming techniques to optimize path-finding or related calculations.

Features to Implement

  • Add locations and define routes between them.
  • Calculate and display the shortest path between two points.
  • Optionally, add route preferences (e.g., fastest, shortest, least traffic).

3. Sudoku Solver


Develop a Sudoku solver that uses backtracking to solve Sudoku puzzles. The solver should be capable of handling puzzles of varying difficulty levels and provide solutions or indicate if the puzzle is unsolvable.

Skills Used

  • Backtracking: Implement the backtracking algorithm to explore possible solutions and backtrack when needed.
  • Recursion: Use recursion to solve subproblem's as part of the backtracking approach.
  • Data Structures: Utilize arrays or matrices to represent and manipulate the Sudoku grid.

Features to Implement

  • Load and display Sudoku puzzles.
  • Solve the puzzle using backtracking and display the solution.
  • Optionally, add features for puzzle generation or solution validation.


These projects provide hands-on experience with the key concepts covered in this book. By working on them, you'll gain practical insights into how data structures and algorithms are used in real-world applications, helping you deepen your understanding and improve your programming skills.